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About Fryda app

Easily add your products after shopping to the free app. In this way you can save receipts, warranty info, pictures and much more in one place – available when and where you need it.

Dean was unfortunate after a break in, you don't have to be
Break-ins can cause a lot of trouble, both economically and emotionally. Valuables are taken away without warning – we sat down with Dean who told us about his incident.
Add valuable products with receipts to the Fryda app
A story from Dean

Earlier this year we returned home to find our home had been burgled. Staring into the mess left behind, it was hard to remember what valuables we had. It was even harder to find receipts for everything that had been stolen, and the ones we found were barely eligible as the ink had faded.

It resulted in hours of searching among our photos on social media, trying to find pictures of precious family jewellery, our kids' technology products and endless debates with our insurance company. Due to the low resolution on the items found on the pictures we weren't able to motivate accurate appraisals and we were left with no control and out of pocket. 

"Both the police and insurance company told us how important it was to have pictures of all our valuables, and doing this once would help secure future valuables."
Dean started using Fryda

Fryda is a great solution, because the above is really something that should be done continuously and as effortlessly as possible. I can't see myself finding time to sit down and document my valuables regularly, but since this is now structurally and easily done on my phone, I do it automatically and can keep the records up to date. 

That way, if I'm unfortunate enough to get robbed again, the insurance company will have a hard time robbing me (a second time) of my insurance claim compensation.

Words from Fryda

We are sharing stories of our users to highlight different events, which in this case could have easily been prevented with Fryda. We of course hope that Dean and his family will not be unfortunate, but remain fortunate and avid users of our free iOS app.

About Fryda app

Easily add your products after shopping to the free app. In this way you can save receipts, warranty info, pictures and much more in one place – available when and where you need it.